We finally had some time to work on our blog. I just hope we manage to find the time to maintain it. Cameron has turned out to be such a good happy baby. He thinks he's older than he actually is, he tries to sit up on his own and loves to watch Gracie run around. I think he thinks she's talking to him. He is always full of smiles! Tally and Iris (the ladies who watch him) say he is the happiest baby they have ever watched. That's a big statement coming from them as they have been doing those over 15 years. I try not to call her too many times during the day but every time I do, I can hear him talking in the background as Tally & I have a conversation. She tells me that he has the biggest smile on his as we talk (as you can see from the pictures below).
This is one of my favorite pictures.....I remember when Gracie's feet used to be that small.