I am now in my 7th month of being a full time mother and wife. This has truly been the most amazing 7 months of my life (except when my children were born). I have been so fulfilled! I spend a lot of time volunteering at school which is more rewarding than I expected. I love being able to be available for my children when they need me. I can drop what I am doing and go tend to their needs. I have more time with them in the afternoon than I used to when I was working. I am a much more patient person...I LOVE MY FAMILY! Today, we were working on homework and Gracie was asked to write a few sentences on something she wishes she could do. I have to share this because it just melted my heart.
Written by Gracie Mueller
I with I could stay up all night long. If you stay up all night long, here is so much you can do. I could play games, eat midnight snacks, watch movies and have makeovers. My mom will not ever let me stay up all night long that is why I can only wish it.