Look at those cheeks!

Gracie had enough of the spikey hair, she had to brush it down. I will definitely say, that was an emotional moment for me. He loves her so much, he is in such awe of her.

This was the first time Gracie actually took part in Cameron's bath. She played with him and helped rinse him off. My little baby has become my little helper!

Cameron LOVED this! Watching TV, next to big sister, how much better could life get?

Gracie was rolling around the floor making Cameron laugh. He watched her every move very carefully. I see this picture and see her as our little baby. I am serious when I say that time flies by.

Our Chef! She loves to play kitchen, especially with Kenny. She loves it when she's geared up to play kitchen and Kenny calls out "Waiter"! She runs to him and says "Yes Sir"! It is hilarious to watch. Her specialty, "OakMilk".

Lastly, these pictures are precious as they capture many of his moments. Cameron's favorite
new thing lately, remove his socks. Every time I turn around, he's lost another sock. He pulls his socks off all the time.

Dad traveled to Atlanta last week for business. When he travels, he always returns with a "surprise". This time, Airforce One. Cameron was very curious about this new "noise". As Gracie played with it, his little eyes followed her very closely...