Friends Forever! (Morgan, Mackenzie, Allie, Porter, Paitlen, Gracie, Robin)

Gracie on her first day of school.

My First Day of Kindergarten
It's my first day of kindergarten,
I'm a little bit scared.
You hugged me reassured me
and now I'm prepared. Here is my hand to hold while I'm away.
It's okay, don't worry.
I'll be back at the end of the day.
Try not to miss me, wipe away your tears.
Next time you see me
there will be lots of "cheers"!
Here is a hug and some kidsses too
It's my way of saying "I LOVE YOU"!
After I read that, I started bawling. I kept trying to compose myself but the more I looked around the more overwhelming it all became. I was not in control of my emotions. As Ms. Fowler came in to get her kids, I was once again overwhelmed watching these children so calm, collected and composed. I truly believe we don't give children enough credit. They are very resiliant.

After we dropped off Gracie, I headed to take Cameron to school. He too had a big day, new teacher at Bent Tree. Ms. Nikki is great, she was Gracie's Level II teacher at BT as well but it did NOT go well. He screamed "mommy, come back" and "mommy, don't leave". Goodness, I left his school crying too. By 10:30 a.m., I felt I had cried rivers. Tomorrow is another day! Here are a few pictures of Cameron before we went into school.