Monday, July 21, 2008

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

This post is a little of this and a little of that! On the weekends, we have been walking/running a lot around the lake at the Warren Complex. This particular day, Gracie & Dad joined Cameron & I. After Dad and I did a few laps, we went to the park. They LOVE this park!

And then we come home and go swimming to cool off.

Do you see Shamu? This Orca Whale goes EVERYWHERE with us. I brush his teeth, put the seat belt on it, give it Dr. Pepper (because whales too need a "refreshing" drink), etc. etc. etc. I really hope we don't loose this whale. I might have to purchase some back ups for the future. I really don't mind, I love that she looks after Shamu with such conviction. She'll be a great Mom one day.....ok, I don't want to think about that right now.

At what age to you begin giving your children chores? I asked Gracie to take the trash into the garage one night. Goodness, she complained the entire time. I remember at 5 years old, my mom used to put a chair next to the sink and have us wash dishes. I do think I will start thinking of some easy chores.
Feeding a picky eater! For those of you who know Gracie, you know she is a PICKY eater. She literally eats like 7 things. I made baked some fish sticks and cut up some cucumbers. She ATE it all!

The hat again....the hat was too big for Cameron's little head. It was funny watching him walk around with this hat covering his entire head. Hilarious.I try to change out the kids toys about every 6 months. I do it more with Gracie's books and puzzles than the actual toys. Well, today, I decided the play room needed a new look. My sister Ysela bought this tent for Gracie for her 2nd birthday. I put it up and take it down. It's been down for about a year now, so today, we put it back up. Cameron was in and out in and out in and out in and out. He did not tire of this. After Cameron went to bed, Gracie grabbed her books and layed in the tent. She said to me, "Mom, I have a new place for private time". How cute is that?
And lastly, Cameron's big booboo today. Since he has taken off walking around like crazy, he tends to get a little excited and loose his balance. The picture below shows what happens when he gets too excited. He bumped his head on a chair at school. It's actually much darker than the picture shows. I think this is first real BOOBOO. I have a feeling we will have many more of these with Cameron!

Catchin' Up

I have been so behind in posting pictures but here are a few of Gracie. Last week was a fun week at school. Monday was "Groovy" Hat Day. As you can see from the picture, Gracie's hat was a big hit.

I find it amazing and amusing watching Gracie grow and try to put words together. Ms. Misti told me that last Thursday, Ashton (one of Gracie's friends) took one of the sea animal toys from her before she was done and she yelled "Ms. Misti! Ashton is cheating on me" Instead of Ashton is cheating....too cute! I could only imagine what her days are like each day with 10-11 4-5 year olds. Here is a picture of her summer class! How happy does she look..

Here is a picture of Lacy, the milking cow that visited their school. I'm not sure if that was her name, but that is what Gracie name her. Cameron was in awe of Lacy when he saw her. He just kept saying "Moo-Moo". Once I learn how to post video, post video of him imitating a Lion - it's the cutest thing ever!