This week was definitely one of the craziest, scariest, exhausting weeks I've had in a long time. As I wrote in my previous post, Cameron had a big boo-boo with his teeth. Wednesday night, our little one didn't have a good sleep. He awoke around 5:30 am saying "mooooooomy, moooooooomy, (you get the picture right) so Kenny brought him down. He was burning up - yup, fever. The first thing I thought of was an infection on his gums. We gave him some motrin and got ready. I had a dentist appointment that morning, so I took the kids with me. Luckily, I've been going to the same dentist for a long time, they helped me watch the kids. We rush to get Gracie to school and then make it to Cameron's appointment. They swabbed his nose to test for the flu, swabbed his throat to test for strep and drew blood. He was NOT a happy camper. The dr. said it sounded a lot like pneumonia since he had rapid breathing as well. All came back well.S ince he's had a nasty cough for a while, the dr. gave me some cough medicine that also has histamine. Cameron has plenty of allergies. With the wind from last week, I thought that was the cause of his cough. Anyway, we hoped for the best. Thursday night was hell. He was up all night crying as if he were in pain accompanied with high fevers. Back we go to the dr. Same drill, more blood work and a chest X-ray. He didn't have pneumonia but now had wheezing. We did two breathing treatments. This time, his white blood count was lower so they gave him antibiotics and a steriod to help the swelling in his lungs. He is now feeling a little better but hasn't eaten a thing in 3 days. The antibiotics are so strong, he now has really really loose movements. We attempted to see Santa on Saturday at Bent Tree, but Cameron was not having any part of that this year. I'm not sure when I'll get our Christmas cards out. Gracie also had a practice dance recital on Thursday. She is doing so good. I was really proud of her for remembering all of the steps. The formal recital is in April, I'm really excited to see how much better she gets. Here are some pictures....