Today, I wasn't able to go to the school because the Department of Public Safety told me I needed to go visit their office ALL day. This is my conversation with Gracie when I picked her up.
Me: Hi Gracie, how was your day?
Gracie: Mom, don't give me a snack today.
Me: Why Gracie?
Gracie: Because my stomach is full of regret and embarrassment.
Me: Woah Gracie, what are you talking about?
Gracie: We didn't get a smily face in class today because of those two naughty boys.
Note: Gracie has 2 friends that like to chat quite a bit.
Me: Well Gracie, sometimes when the noise level gets really out of control, the teacher has no choice other than to punish the entire class.
Gracie: I know, that's why I am full of regret and embarrasment.
Me: But why Gracie? If you didn't do anything, you shouldn't feel that way.
Gracie: Well, I am just embarrassed by their behavior. How hard is it to do what your teacher says?
Me: Well Gracie, it's not as easy for others
Gracie: That doesn't make sense to me. I will never talk to them or play with them again. They are "RULE BREAKERS".
Wow, was all that was running through my mind as we drove home. She's only in the 2nd grade!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
"Sing to Jesus"
Today, Cameron melted my heart. As we were getting ready for his bath he said "momma, I learned a new song today". I sat down on the step stool to listen. My little man started singing "Deep and Wide, deep and wide, there's a fountain flowing deep and wide...deep and wide, deep and wide, there's a fountain flowing deep and wide" He used his hands and all of himself as he sang. I hugged him tightly and gave him tons of kisses! I told him I was so proud of him and he said "Momma, I love singing to Jesus. Do you think little Grandma can hear us"? I told him Little Grandma could definitely hear us. I continue to be amazed at how much kids absorb and comprehend.
I love you little man!
I love you little man!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
First Day of School
School has started and things are in FULL swing at the Mueller Household! I still can not believe Gracie started 2nd Grade. She is going to have an amazing school year. Her teacher is Mrs. Strickland (I didn't get a photo of them yet) and has been at Rogers for a number of years. This summer we received a letter from the State letting us know Gracie passed her Gifted and Talented test. She will participate in the QUEST program at Rogers. This will give her one on one time with Mrs. Dinger who oversees the GT program. We are still getting used to homework and a routine again.

Cameron also started school this week. He was so lucky to have the same teacher he had for part of the year. His best friends Cole & Will are also in his class. How awesome is that?
My handsome Pre-K student (notice his new spiked hair - YIKES to that too)
This past week we also bought a "BIG BOY" car seat for Cameron. He has been so excited to sit in his new booster seat. He's a little smaller than Gracie was when we transitioned her but he was so ready!
Our 2nd Grader - YIKES!

(Mrs. Orgeron and Cameron)

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