My niece Jasmine, her baby Esmeralda and Cameron.
New baby on the way, yah! We'll get to meet "her" on the 28th.
Cameron was exhausted!
My sisters, niece, great niece and sister-in-law. (Top row-Yvette, Yvonne & Ymelda. Bottom row-Jasmine, Julie, Yaya & Ysela and Esmeralda)
I still haven't figured out why Gracie enjoys laying in the play pen while watching television. It doesn't seem very comfortable.
We have been trying to go out and get some exercise as a family. We bought a bike and buggy about a month ago; it's great. I enjoy it because I enjoy running outside when we have good weather and we all get to do it together. We biked/ran almost 3 miles today. My goal this year is to run a marathon!