These past couple of days the kids have been a lot of fun. Don't get me wrong, they are still a hand full and fight like crazy, but they have been equally fun. Some of the things they have done this week are worth documenting...
Wednesday morning, I was in my closet getting dressed for work and Cameron walked in.
Cameron: What you doing mom?
Me: Getting dressed so I can take you and Gracie to school and then go to work.
Cameron: Why?
Me: Because I have to wear clothes so people don't see my business.
Cameron: Because why mommy?
Me: If I don't put my pants on, people are going to see my chones (undies) and my business.
Cameron: Can I spank your business mommy?
Yes, I fell down to the floor laughing. I really have no idea what he was thinking when he said but he said it.
This morning, Dad took Gracie to school to partake in the Rogers Breakfast with Dad so Cameron & I loaded up alone. Cameron has been carrying this racing teddy key chain Kenny bought me years ago. This is our conversation from today.
Cameron: Mommy, where his fiend?
Me: Whose friend Cameron?
Cameron: My little bear.
Me: I don't know Cameron, I'm sure he's at home or somewhere.
Cameron (talking to his bear): It's ok little bear, we buy you a fiend at Target.
Cameron: Mommy, can we buy him fiend at Target?
Me (wiping the tears from my eyes): Yes Cameron, we can buy him a friend at Target.
Cameron: Yay, tank you mommy!
Tonight...both kids requested Daddy tuck them in. As we are rounding up the kids for bed, both Kenny & I look over towards the refrigerator and Gracie is drinking milk from the jug! I am shocked! Gracie has never done anything like this. We asked her what she was doing and she said, "I just needed a drink".
Love love love love my kids.
I had no idea what had happened today until Kenny got home. He asked if I had watched the news and heard about what happened at Ft. Hood. It's surreal. After watching a little of news, I am thankful for my wonderful husband, children, family & friends.