Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tooth Fairy Diaster!

Gracie lost tooth #6 last night. It's been loose for quite some time so she was VERY brave last night and pulled it out herself. She looks so different with so many missing teeth, and SOUNDS different too :). I am still in awe that this little baby that came out of my tummy 6 years ago, is now on her way to becoming a young lady! The miracle of life...

Anyway, we always leave a glass of water for the tooth fairy in case she gets thirsty. She always takes a drink and appreciates us leaving her some water. We always know when she drinks the water because the water usually turns the color of the tooth fairy and her glitter is all over the room especially near the water because her little fairy wings touch the glass as she drinks. (Big deal in our house).

Well, last night Gracie and Cameron slept in our bedroom on their air mattresses. I wake up to a very disappointed little girl poking me holding none other than a zip loc bag with her tooth in it. OMG is all that kept racing through my head as I was trying to think quickly of a good explanation. I jump out of bed as Gracie begins sobbing. I kept thinking holy cow, how could this happen, holy cow, how could this happen, holy cow, how could this happen?? I pick her up and race out of the room so she doesn't wake Cameron. I grab a piece of paper and $10 (it's all I had!) out of my purse and run up to her room. The tooth fairy leaves Gracie a note saying "Gracie, I could not find you" Love the Tooth Fairy. I call Gracie to her room and show her the note and the $10 (HOLY COW, COSTLY MISTAKE). She's still not happy and burst out crying even louder. I ask her why she is upset, the tooth fairy did come to collect her tooth but she couldn't find it. Gracie says, "maybe the tooth fairy just didn't like my tooth and didn't want it". I try to explain to Gracie that this is not the case at all. The tooth fairy knew she had a special tooth to collect from a very, very brave little girl she just couldn't find it! Still not working....what else can I say, what else can I say???? I felt like such a bad mom. I tried to explain to Gracie once more, that the tooth fairy had left her $10 because she knew how brave she'd been to pull her own tooth out and not even cry. Gracie said, "maybe she didn't want my tooth because I didn't leave her any water". OMG, how could I have let this happen??? Kenny wakes up and runs upstairs to see why Gracie is crying. We explained to him what happened so he tries to explain to Gracie too. We tell Gracie that we'll leave the tooth fairy a note if she decides to sleep in our room again. Disaster over.....for the moment.

Gracie & Cameron also decided this morning they would wear every single of pair of shoes in our closet...silly kids!