We were hoping the kids would sleep in late considering neither had napped the previous, but that didn't happen. All the kids, including Cameron were awake by 7:30 a.m. Kenny & I took the kids to the Warren Complex to feed the ducks. It was a really nice morning and nice to get out and get the blood flowing.....
Cameron enjoyed a nice nap in his stroller......
Kenny went to the game Sunday afternoon so I had to get creative in keeping Gracie busy. We went to Joann Fabrics and bought materials to make our own Halloween ghosts. For those who know Gracie, you know this was a really big step for her. She has refused to go into Walgreens because they have too many scary "stuff" hanging from the ceiling. We had a wonderful time making our ghosts, we made happy ghosts, sad ghosts, angry ghosts, etc. Our Halloween ghosts have an array of personalities.
During our ghost making, we had Cameron in his walker. He is moving very fast these days, still only going backwards. As Gracie and I were making our ghosts, I heard this loud thud. She & I turned to find Cameron in the middle of my ivy plant. As you can see from the picture, he was very interested in putting it into his mouth that he knocked the entire plant stand to the floor. Gracie tried to pull him away and got frustrated very quickly that he continued to migrate back towards the plant.
Since Sunday was a very eventful day, it was no surprise that Cameron had his first jar of baby food. I have been struggling with him for the past 2 weeks to take the bottle. He doesn't want it! He will drink 8 oz. usually at bedtime and his first feeding of the day, but other than that, it has become a struggle. As I was drinking a glass of water, he kept reaching for my glass. Every time I moved it away from his reach, he would scream. I decided to give him his first baby jar of food, Rice Cereal.....My intent was to only give him a half of jar, but half way into it, I quickly realized he was going to go all the way! It was amazing watching his expressions with each spoonful! Grandma & Yaya were in total awe as I was.
I can't believe these are our children. We are truly blessed and as hard as it is having two children, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. These little munchkins are a part of Kenny and a part of me!
Cameron is sleeping at least 9 hours straight each night. He just looked too peaceful, I couldn't resist.
And for the last picture of this post....Cameron is outgrowing his car seat. He weighed 19 lbs. 2 oz. two weeks ago and I can definitely feel it. My arm has begun going numb each time I have to carry the car seat. Again, it's amazing to think that only 5 months ago, he was floating around this same car seat.
How many times did I say "amazing" this post?
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