(She really was excited about her bike, the brakes were freaking her out a little bit)
Cupcakes at school! Although, after seeing the kids just LICK the frosting from the cupcake, I think next year I will just bring cookies!
Our little princess.....even though Sleeping Beauty is her FAVORITE princess, this year, she decided to be Snow White. I hope we can reuse the costume for Halloween (keep your fingers crossed she doesn't change her mind)!
How cute are these wall decals?
How BEAUTIFUL is this cake? I was truly amazed that it turned out better than what I had expected. When I was talking to the baker on Friday, I was getting extremely nervous because she was talking 100 miles+ - kuddos to her!
T-Ma, Gracie doesn't sleep without her new pillow and blanket!
All of the kids had a wonderful time, as you can see, Brandon was quite the clown.
I'm not sure if Maudie actually enjoyed the dance, but Lee sure did have a good time dancing.
Even Cameron put on a party hat and joined in!
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