After such a wonderful weekend with Cousin Brandon, Cameron was not quite himself Monday or Tuesday. I suspected he was suffering from allergies as was I. We went to the Dr. on Wednesday just to make sure there was nothing else going on. Guess what she found? Yup, ear infections, primarily the left ear - AGAIN. This makes the 6 ear infection this year. Things are no looking so good for Cameron. After the 5th infection, they told us if he got another ear infection, they would not treat him with oral antibiotics. They weren't kidding either. We began our 3 day treatment by injection. He received 2 shots on Wednesday of Rocephin. As I have learned, Rocephin is a pretty heavy duty antibiotic that is mixed with lidocaine, they inject it into the thigh muscles. He was NOT a happy camper. He (nor we) slept much Wednesday night. Thursday morning, we head out to the Dr. again. His ears are looking much better and his nasal cavitity is not as swollen (poor kid could not breathe). Round 2 of Rocephin! It's now been 4 shots he's received, so needless to say I had a very very very fussy, needy baby on Thursday. He woke up 3 times, 2 of those he had bottles, yea. This morning, he awoke congested but in really good spirits. We get to the Dr. again and his ears are "BEAUTIFUL" and grey as they should be. The swelling in his nasal cavity is gone so we are very thankful. We still had to do Round 3 of Rocephin though. Unfortunately today, his little body said ENOUGH. His legs swelled up and looked like tomatos so we had to give him some benadryl and wait for another 20 minutes to make sure he was ok. Thank the Lord he's feeling much better. Can I tell you how much better? I went into the laundry room this evening and came out to find Cameron at the TOP of the stairs. I was only in the laundry room as long as it takes to start a load - really. He found my scream of panick very amusing. Another thing he has found amusing is his farting. Yup, every time he farts, he laughs histerically. Our little boy is back to normal!
Let's pray no more ear infections.......
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