Gracie's last day of daycare is tomorrow and will start Kindergarten on Monday. I have such anxiety I don't know what to do. I know she will be fine, it's me I'm worried about. Gracie has had about 11 inches of hair cut off this summer. Last weekend, we took off another 3 inches (see new picture below). She is such a big girl. She started taking showers this summer using Bath Bodyworks lotions only. When I tuck her in at night she looks at me and says "please get out of bed now mom". She wants to do everything on her own.
Cameron is growing like a weed. He is all over the place and testing his boundaries. He definitely keeps us on our toes. I am truly amazed that I can carry a conversation with my little man. Last week, I had him holding the door while I gathered backpacks to load into the car; he looked at me and said "come on girl". I was astounded at what he said, how he said it and that he said it at all! He loves coffee, yes, coffee. On the weekends I usually let him have a little coffee (very watered down with milk and creamer). This one morning we were running late, both kids were grumpy and difficult. I hurriedly poured my coffee into my travel mug and Cameron looks at me and asks "where's my coffee"? I tried to convince him his milk was much better for several minutes. After about 3-4 minutes of crying and screaming he said to me "I need my coffee mommy", I had no other choice but to give in! He was in heaven! We have also transitioned Cameron to his "toddler" bed. We had talked about it for awhile and decided to wait a little longer but that changed last weekend. We had to go visit the dr. Saturday morning to find out he has a double ear infection and a sinus infection. Since Mimi and Didi drove up from Houston Saturday, he slept with us and fell off the bed. Pretty big fall so I put the bed together. It has actually been a pretty easy transition (fingers crossed). Same goes for the binky, he only has it when it's nite nite time. He is really good about putting it on the bed when it's time to wake up. I've also started giving him gum when he asks for it during the day (fingers crossed).
I thank the Lord each day for these two precious gifts he has given us. Time seems to moving at light speed that I want to absorb as much of them as I possibly can. I'm NOT ready for them to grow any faster.
Beware for the picture overload...

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