We had so much fun for Easter. Saturday night we dyed all of our Easter Eggs. Gracie was NOT liking the color of her egg very much...
My little Easter Bunny. He made these little Bunny Ears at school. He was so proud of them and wanted to wear them all the way in the car to go pick up Gracie. It was very windy that day...when we got to Rogers Elementary, I told Cameron we needed to leave his Bunny Ears in the car. I wish I would have had a camera, he was SOO sad. So I let him wear his Bunny Ears, I just told him to hang onto them. Well, this little one did not listen and the Bunny Ears started to fly away. His cry was one of heartache so I set him on the side walk and start running after them. Let's just say running in 4 inch heels didn't get me very far. I had ran quite a distance away from Cameron that I just stopped running and turned back to go hug my baby. At that moment, a Dad picking up his little girl parked his car and took off running after the Bunny Ears. He ran across the street and into someone's yard. He walked up to Cameron & I and handed him his beloved Bunny Ears. Thank you Lord was all that was going through my head. Not very many people would have done that but this good Samaritan made my little one's day. We walked into the school and he ran straight to Gracie to show off his Bunny Ears. Don't you just want to eat those cheeks? Back to our festivities. The Easter Bunny always stops by for a visit when the kids are sleeping. This year, he left a big stuffed Easter Bunny for each of them and a trail of Cadburry Eggs leading to the front door. Oh how I love my sweet little angels. It was a full day of fun. Most of my brothers and sisters came over and we just had a blast. Kenny heated the pool so we were able to enjoy awesome weather in the pool.
I just have to say that my brothers always know how to have fun with the kids...
Gracie was NOT having any part of the confetti eggs until Tio Raul had a long conversation with Gracie and reasoned with with her on letting him pop an egg on her. She was hooked after that! Cameron kept walking around asking everyone if they had any "cracker" eggs.
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