School has started and things are in FULL swing at the Mueller Household! I still can not believe Gracie started 2nd Grade. She is going to have an amazing school year. Her teacher is Mrs. Strickland (I didn't get a photo of them yet) and has been at Rogers for a number of years. This summer we received a letter from the State letting us know Gracie passed her Gifted and Talented test. She will participate in the QUEST program at Rogers. This will give her one on one time with Mrs. Dinger who oversees the GT program. We are still getting used to homework and a routine again.
Our 2nd Grader - YIKES!
(Mrs. Orgeron and Cameron)

My handsome Pre-K student (notice his new spiked hair - YIKES to that too)

This past week we also bought a "BIG BOY" car seat for Cameron. He has been so excited to sit in his new booster seat. He's a little smaller than Gracie was when we transitioned her but he was so ready!

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