Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Cousin Brandon

For those of you who don't know Brandon, he is Gracie's favorite cousin. He and Gracie are 5 months apart. They love each other so much, it melts my heart. Gracie and Brandon had their second sleep over 2 weeks ago. When I watch them playing together, my mind drifts back to when they were just babies. Time does fly by.....

It's amazing to see how creative they can be and how easily they can find things to do and games to play. They created "ball game". They each had an oversized ball and stood at opposite ends of the playroom and would run towards each other until they had contact. I loved hearing them laugh, they were having so much fun.

Kenny packed a lunch on Sunday, and we headed to the Warren Sports Complex again. It was such a beautiful day that Gracie & Brandon decided to catch butterflies! The persistence these children can have is uncanny. After 20 minutes of not catching butterflies, their determination was still at Level 10. They would sneak up on a butterfly (which of course would fly away) and try and try and try again. I never tire of watching these two interact with each other.

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