Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Where Did January Go?

I can't believe January is almost gone. It seems like only yesterday we were getting ready for the holidays. Things around here have been moving at a very rapid pace and we've had a sick little boy. I have wondered many times if there is a way I can send him to school in a bubble. On January 13th, we made a trip the Dr.'s office. (Seems like we are there pretty much on a monthly basis) Cameron had been having quite a bit of drainage and cough that wouldn't go away. We left his office with a diagnosis of Croup and RSV. We picked up his steroids and cough medicine. Wed and Thursday were rough, no sleep whatsoever. His fever was all over the place and he just didn't feel good. We headed back to the Dr. on Friday. As we were driving to the Dr. Cameron screamed the entire time saying he was "itchy". Since he was bundled up I thought his hat was irritating his skin. In the waiting room, I start noticing he is covered in hives...YIKES. They swabbed his nose to check for flu, check his ears (which had to be cleaned), swabbed his throat...nothing. He was not a happy camper especially when they came back into the room to draw blood. Diagnosis #2, Mycoplasma pneumoniae! What??? That's what kept running through my head. Turns out it is a bacterial type of pneumonia. He gives us a pretty powerful antibiotic and puts Cameron on Benadryl every six hours for the hives. Let me just say there was NO sleep for us because Benadryl to Cameron is like giving him speed. This kid was bouncing off the walls. We just continued to pray all weekend hoping he would begin feeling better. Sunday morning, we are awakened by screams. He is covered in a red rash and his face is beginning to swell. He and I pack up and drive to the ER asap! Immediately, they give him a Benadryl injection and steriods in each leg. The Dr. arrives 15 minutes later to order an Epi injection stat! SCARY SCARY SCARY. Our poor baby was having a severe anaphylactic reaction. we were not allowed to leave the hospital until most of the rash had subsided and after his breathing cleared with the Dr. We don't know which medicine it was that caused this but I did write them down so I know what to be cautious of. He finally started going to back to school last week. By Friday, his little body was pooped.

We have spent most of the week trying to get back into our routine and continue potty training. Today, Cameron went to school in big boy chones, Spanish nickname for undies. He made it ALL day with only 1 accident. That accident was not really his fault. Ms Nikki forgot to change him into his pull-up at nap time soooooooo he had an accident. We are so proud of him. He has grown so quickly.

Gracie is doing well in school. Since August, Cameron & I always walk Gracie to the front door of the school. These past 3 weeks, I have been dropping her off in the Kindergarten drop off line. The first week I was excited but the second week I cried each morning. I'm not sure why really, I would just cry. Maybe tears of being a proud momma, tears of sadness because my little girl is growing up, tears of not being able to baby her anymore - who knows. This year Gracie will be 7 and Cameron will be 3. I still remember the day each of them was born.

I'll post some pictures soon...we got a new camera for Christmas!

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