Saturday, April 3, 2010

Embarrassing Moment...

This week has been a busy week (aren't they all?). On Thursday, after we picked Gracie up from AlphaBest, we headed to Target for some Easter goodies. We were walking down the cereal aisle and this is a conversation between Cameron & I.

Cameron: Mommy
Me: Yes Cameron
Cameron: Is that a girl? I look up and see a somewhat masculine looking lady. I try to ignore him and start whispering hoping he starts doing the same.
Me: Shuuuuuh Cameron
Cameron: Is that a girl or a boy mommy?
Me: Whispering, "it's a girl honey, be quite"
Right at this moment, we were are literally about to pass this woman.
Cameron: But it doesn't look like a girl mommy.

OMG, I go into a full body sweat and I can literally feel my body temp increase by 20 degrees. I know at this point I am as red as a tomoto. I have no idea what to say so I quickly walk out of the aisle into the next aisle. I have never experienced this with my children. I have heard of embarrassing moments happening, but never to me. I thought I was going to pass out I was so hot. I compose myself and say to Cameron "honey, that wasn't really nice". Cameron replies "but was she a girl or a boy". I told him I thought he had hurt her feelings by saying that and then we are in a full blown histeric. I wanted to die! His poor little feelings were now hurt at the thought of the masculine lady's feelings being hurt. I drove home thinking "out of the mouths of babe". In Cameron's defense, it was really hard to tell. Maybe this will be a lesson to the lady at Target to take a second look in the mirror before she walks out the door.

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