Cameron had a milestone moment today. He sat in his "Bumbo" for the first time today. He loves to be right in the middle of what we are doing. The "Bumbo" works beautifully. As you can see, he's sitting up on his own watching us go about our business and watching the Cowboys game with Daddy.

SECOND milestone of the day.....OATMEAL! Cameron had his first bites of Oatmeal. We're a few days early in introducing him to solids but again, I couldn't help myself. He's such a healthy eater, which is not obvious at ALL! I don't think he liked it very much. Again, it's amazing watching them grow and realizing they have to learn everything. He kept pushing the oatmeal out with his tongue. Once he had a few bites, he started pushing the oatmeal back with his tongue to swallow. We'll try again tomorrow.

THIRD milestone of the day....while sitting in his bumbo, I put his rattle in front of him. He was smiling and screaming (I think he's discovered his own voice). When he screams he belts out these high pitched screams, he sounds like a girl, it's hilarious! As I was saying, I put the rattle in front of him and he reached over grabbed it and put it right in his mouth. Seems overnight he has so much more personality than yesterday.

Last picture for today....Cameron after bath time. We have a similar picture when Gracie was a baby. Those photos are framed in her bathroom. She loves them, she looks at them and says, "there's me when I was a baby"! It's all about the memories.

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