Friday, September 21, 2007

Day Off With Cameron!

I took the day off today to take care of Cameron. As you can see from the pictures, I've been having a lot of fun with him today. I think he knew we were playing because he kept kicking his feet back and forth causing the balls to move around. Everytime he kicked a ball, he would let out his high pitched scream. TOO MUCH FUN!

I have a picture of Gracie when she was a baby in a basket with stuffed animals. Cameron wouldn't let me put him in the basket today so I had to compromise. I've attached a picture of Gracie when she was a baby with her stuffed animals. She was about 8 weeks in this picture.

After we finished playing, we were resting in Gracie's room. He was very curious about his surrounding, he kept looking around around her room.

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