Saturday, February 9, 2008

We Are Family.....I've Got All My Cousins With Me!

Well, some of them anyway. We went to Tia Yvonne's house after church. Cameron let it be known he was much happier without clothes. He sat very comfortably on the couch watching Kristen, Kaitlen, Brandon and Gracie run around.

Cousin Brandon & Cameron!
Cousin Kaitlen & Kristen

I think Cameron knew what we were doing as we put different hats on him. He just laughed and laughed.

This is picture of Cameron's friend Blake. They are hanging out playing at Tally's. We truly were so fortunate to find Tally. Cameron LOVES her and Maria so much. A lot of the time when I pick him up, Cameron just turns from me and hugs Tally. As much as it breaks my heart, it also makes me so happy knowing he loves her so. Thank you Tally, for loving him as if he were your own!
This is my favorite picture from today. Doesn't he look like such a little grown up? Too cute, he just sat back in his stroller taking in the sun. Where is my baby? Growing up...Cameron's favorite new thing to do is dance. When we tell him to dance, he starts shaking his little head and body. It is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I didn't think it was amusing as he was dancing during church service. Ok, I didn't have a problem with it. I just took his dancing as he was enjoying the service! Oh and he learned how to drink water from a straw today. Go baby!

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