Sunday, February 8, 2009

Catchin' Up

So many things have been going on lately, I'm not sure where to begin. Last week, my 2nd eldest sister, Ysela, turned 40! We all got together at a restaurant last Friday to surprise her (I think she had a feeling something was going on). We all had such fun! I love my family. I cherish each moment I have with them. Hope you had a wonderful birthday sister.

I know, it's not a very nice thing to write on one's cake, we just couldn't resist.
Cameron so enjoyed his cupcake. Or should I say, the "frosting".
Doesn't he look cute?
My little sister Yaya making us laugh. You can tell from this picture, we're laughing so hard she is in tears.
Yaya, Cameron, Yvonne & Brianna.
My sisters Yvette & Ymelda with Naomi.
Yaya & YvonneCameron enjoying his tortilla. "Yummy", he would say after each bite.

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