Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

It was an extremely busy week. We had lots of things to do before Halloween! Thursday night, we made cupcakes for Cameron's class. Getting two kids to work together is nearly impossible. They fought the entire time and made a huge mess. I think the only time Cameron was not saying "Mom, Gracie not sharing with me" was when he was licking the bowl, spoon or bowl. Stayed up way to late decorating the cupcakes and finishing his costume.
Friday morning was NOT a good morning. I won't go into all of the details other than we were running late, Gracie lost her first top tooth, it was raining, Gracie and I fell down while running into the school and got wet, had to go home to change clothes and then arrived tardy! Whew, I was glad when the morning was over...When I picked Gracie up after school, Ms. Fowler, her teacher, told me Gracie had to visit the nurse because she was having trouble eating her cookie at snack time. She said she looked over and Gracie had these huge alligator tears rolling down her cheeks. My heart broke into a million pieces. Saturday morning, Gracie came downstairs to show us what the tooth fairy left her, $5 and a mini muskateer Barbie. Her other top tooth is hanging, barely, but she refuses to let us pull it out. It has been drama with this tooth all weekend! In her defense though, she is afraid the kids will tease her about not having any front teeth. Kids are mean! I think for now, we'll let the tooth be.
After arriving late to work I turned around and left early. After the crazy morning we had it was nice to have fun with a bunch of little kids.

My little scarecrow! I have been going to Bent Tree for 4 years to celebrate Halloween, I was really sad my Gracie was no longer there.

Ms. Nikki and Cameron
Cameron & Friends
Cameron getting ready to enjoy his cupcake. (He went to bed wanting to eat one)
Yum Yum Yum...
Princess Mariposa
Yo Gabba Gabba...our neighbors Mark, Jessica & Milo. Such great costumes!
Cameron wearing Daddy's costume mask.

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