Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Principal's Office???

This morning after my meeting, my cell phone rings. I see the number from Rogers Elementary and immediately think Gracie is sick. I answer and hear, "Mrs. Mueller, this is Ms. Sherry from Rogers Elementary and I have Gracie here in the office with me". My heart STOPS! For some reason I panicked and thought OMG, Gracie got in trouble. It is SO not like Gracie to get in trouble so the thoughts in my head were racing a mile a minute thinking what she could have possibly done. Then I hear my little Gracie say "hi Mom" in such a sweet proud voice, so then I start thinking ok this is something else. Ms. Sherry begins telling me that Gracie received a Positive Referral from her teacher. A Positive Referral is given to a student who is recognized by a teacher for various reasons. You get to go to the office and get an office Positive Referral letter from the Principal and receive a Live Happy T-Shirt. Then, the next morning, the Principal annouces the recognition in the mornings annoucements. It's sort of a take on Lance Armstrong's "Live Strong". Rogers Motto is "Live Happy". H-A-P-P-Y stands for Have A Positive and Productive Year.

This is what Gracie's Positive Referral Letter reads. It was read to me by Ms. Sherry with she & I on speaker phone so Gracie could hear. She was so proud of herself. All I wanted at that moment was to hug my little sweet baby.

The reason Gracie is being sent to the office is because you should know the wonderful news...

Gracie has exhibited such a genuine joy for the people around her. She congratulates others' accomplishments instead of envying their success. She encourages other students and seems whole-heartedly invested in our classroom community. What a wonderful addition to my class! I wish there were ten of her!!

Ms. Fowler

Yep, I am one proud momma. I was even prouder when I picked her up after school and she informs me she has worn her shirt all day long. Here is a picture of her in her oh so very bright shirt!

Love you so much sweetie.

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